
Our mission is to enhance lives through martial arts and self empowerment through education, classes, training, resources and advocacy.
InPower™ Foundation is the process of applying for our tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non profit status
We provide our all services free of charge. Through classes, training, key note speeches, resources, and advocacy, we educate and train in: Anti-bullying, Health & wellness, Martial Arts, Resilience, Safety, Self-empowerment, Self defense and Suicide prevention.
Our Board of Directors members are committed and genuinely interested in the mission of InPower™ Foundation. They contribute their time, energy and useful expertise.

InPower™ Foundation has partnered with the public and private sectors, government agencies, universities, public schools, scout troops, children's camps, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, at-risk youth, women's organizations, and homeless shelters.

"9 News In The Classroom" Health Fairs: Program Ambassador Fun Fitness Revolution- light martial arts teaching half days at kids health fairs (& in school classrooms) about their bodies & the value of exercise
"Don't Be a Victim" TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
"Even the Odds" TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
"Fitting In" Documentary on ABC: Family Power and Fitness Coach for children and families facing obesity
"Practical Tactical" TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
"Predator Stoppers"TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
"What If …" TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
"When Lives Depend On It" TV series: Self defense expert teaching empowerment on worldwide television series
Adventures in Transformations: Breaking Up With Fear
Be Inspired Series: Interview on TBI and resilience
CAMA Colorado Alliance of Martial Artists: Anger Management workshop for kids, teens and adults focusing on understanding and resetting anger responses
Camp Experience: Woman's Group Breaking Through Fears Keynote Talk to 250 women
Camp Experience: Woman's Group Self Defense Adventure
Camp Experience: Woman's Group Self Defense Workshop (2012 - present)
Cherrlyn Elementary School Wide Assembly: "Why Kindness is a Superpower" Anti-Bullying Platform
CLE - College Living Experience for young adults with learning differences: Practical Self Defense Strategies Classes
Deb Sheppard: Intuitive Mentoring Classes
Denver Academy: Confidence Building workshop for kids with learning differences
Denver Public Schools: Administrative Staff "Teambuilding for Leadership" Inspiration half day using active movement, light self defense, martial arts and fitness focus
Denver University: Ricks Center for Gifted Children Martial Arts Classes Programming
Denver University: Ricks Center parents group "Gifted children's brains and the importance of exercise" Keynote talk
Family Tree Organization: UMAC "Volunteer Service Award of the Year" in 2012
Girl Scouts of America: Practical Defense Strategies for girls
Graland Country Day School: Kids Defense & Bully proofing
Heroine's Journey: Co-hosted women's weekend empowerment retreat; Breaking Up With Fear Talk and Women Working Together Talk
Ireland & Stapleton, LLC (law firm): Practical Defense Strategies lunchtime class
Jefferson County Law Enforcement Victims Advocacy: self defense training for assaulted client
Last First Date Group: How to Set Boundaries That Rock - online workshop
Lead Learn Connect: Online training
M3 – AMEX: Women's Economic Development Winner of women's entrepreneurial award
Midxhix & Madhens - Women's Activist Group - POW: The POWER of Women Training
Mile Hi Church: Summer Camp Week Active Positive Movement classes using light & fun Martial Arts drills
Mile High Women's Realtors Council Resilience: The 4 Stages of Growth Keynote Talk
Miracles on Ice Foundation Week long classes: "Confidence Building Through Martial Arts Skills Drills" for High Risk Youth
Montessori School of Denver: Martial Arts Classes for children ages 3-12
My Force: Self defense phone app
Newmont Mining Company Safety Day: Practical Safety You Must Learn
OWN Empowerment: Breaking Through Your Fears
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation: Partnership with martial artists doing over 250,000 recorded acts
Sherman & Howard, LLC (law firm): Practical Defense Strategies lunchtime class
Skyview Academy High School: What are Your Superpowers - talk to HS Leadership Class
Slavens Elementary: Martial arts and empowerment classes
SMART Girl Foundation: Finding Your Voice & Practical Self Defense
The Bridge Project Foundation: week long camp teaching light martial arts skills for high risk youth
The Depression Center of Colorado University Denver: Suicide Prevention Training Workshop - Adults and Families (open to the public and mandatory for black belt candidates)
The Depression Center of Colorado University Denver: Suicide Prevention Training Workshop - Teens (open to the public and mandatory for black belt candidates)
Warren Village: Martial arts & safety classes 2x/mo to kids in transitional housing
Women in Pensions: Breaking Through Fear- online webinar workshop
Women Who Are Changing the World: InPower - 3 Steps to Unleash Your Power (online training)
Women Who Roar: Interview on TBI and resilience
Womenade of the Rockies: The Power in Women Defense Training class
Worldwide Self Defense: Self Defense Expert/Ambassador for talks given at a variety of public venues regarding defense and safety; application for cell phones
INPOWER FOUNDATION is proud to have supported these organizations with free martial arts classes to support their cause:
SAFEHOUSE Denver, Children's Hospital of Denver, Cory Elementary School, Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association, Aurora Warms the Night, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Montessori School of Denver, Rosalind Gullat, All Souls School Auction, Made By Survivors, Make a Wish Foundation "Delicious Wishes", IDA-RMB (International Dyslexia Foundation), Slavens School, Children's Miracle Network, Montessori School of Washington Park, Ricks Center for Gifted Children at the University of Denver, House of Hope, University of Denver, Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning (RMSEL), Cottonwood Creek Elementary School, The Gathering Place, Support a Soldier Fundraiser, Women's Bean Project, Made By Survivors, Steele Elementary School, Keep Englewood Beautiful Campaign, The Bridge Project, Temple Sanai Preschool